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Stadtcasino Valetparking, Baden

Bäderstasse 11 5400 Baden

Address: Bäderstasse 11
5400 Baden
Phone: +41 56 204 07 07
Opening hours: Mo - Do, So 19.00 - 04.00Uhr, Fr - Sa 19.00 - 05.00 Uhr
Parking spaces:
Tarife: valet parking CHF 12.00
Entry height:
Handicapped places: No
E-filling stations: No
Reservation: No
Payment methods:
Miscellaneous: VALET PARKING
Daily from 7:00 pm. The exclusive and time-saving service: you drive directly in front of the casino, our experienced colleagues park your vehicle and you look forward to a relaxed casino evening.
After your visit, dial +41 56 204 07 98 or contact our staff and your car will be ready to go again in front of the casino entrance.

All information without guarantee. Changes please mail to!

Baden - full of life and cosmopolitan

Baden lives from the great commitment of its people. 2000-year history of the spa town from the Romans to the new Fortyseven thermal bath. Pioneers and inventors from the famous Baden economy and a colorful cultural offer enliven Baden.


Parking in Baden is convenient. Whether in a parking garage or short-term on a street parking lot. The website shows you the locations. Parking is also possible on the P+Rail parking.


We show you where your parking is - and our route planner will guide you there...