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Parking Bankstr., Glarus

Bankstrasse 8750 Glarus

Address: Bankstrasse
8750 Glarus
Opening hours: 7 / 24 Std.
Parking spaces: 9
Tarife: Blue zone
Entry height:
Handicapped places: No
E-filling stations: No
Reservation: No
Payment methods:

All information without guarantee. Changes please mail to!

Glarus North - a modern municipality

The municipal area of Glarus North corresponds to the current Glarner Unterland region and includes the following villages: Bilten, Niederurnen, Oberurnen, Näfels, Mollis, Filzbach, Obstalden, Mühlehorn. Glarus North is hosting the 2025 Swiss Wrestling and Alpine Festival, which will take place on the grounds of Mollis airfield.


Parking in Glarus is easily accessible on a public street parking lot or in a parking garage with the route planner. Parking is usually only possible for a limited time. On our map you decide the location street or parking garage. The parking fees and payment options are listed on site. For parking in the blue zone you need a parking permit from the office.


The blue P on the map shows you where your parking space is - and the route planner will guide you there...