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Gstaad: Camping Bellerive, Gstaad

Bellerivestrasse 38 3780 Gstaad

Address: Bellerivestrasse 38
3780 Gstaad
Phone: +41 33 744 63 30
Opening hours: 365 Tage
Parking spaces: Saison 10 / Touristen 40
Tarife: Pitch from 13.50 CHF
Tent from 5.50 CHF
Entry height:
Handicapped places: No
E-filling stations: No
Reservation: No
Payment methods:
Miscellaneous: Summer and winter camping
Washing machines separated by sex
washing machine
Sink for chemical toilets
Sink for chemical toilets

All information without guarantee. Changes please mail to!

Gstaad the laid-back celebrity mecca

There is much to discover in Gstaad whether with skiing or hiking vacations. Relaxation is included in both cases. Gstaad in the Saanenland is a concept like St. Tropez or Monaco. On the promenade there are numerous exclusive stores, restaurants and hotels. The mixture of alpine authenticity, serenity and discreet luxury makes Gstaad one of the most famous destinations in Switzerland.


The village center in Gstaad is car-free. Parking and parking spaces are available as in our homepage whether in a multi-storey parking lot or for shorter periods on the street parking lots. Our blue P icons inform you comfortably and the route planner brings you safely to the parking. To pay the parking fee is possible at parking meters or also with the card.


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