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Parking Talstation Heimwehfluh Bahn, Interlaken

Wagnerenstrasse 3800 Interlaken

Address: Wagnerenstrasse
3800 Interlaken
Phone: +41 33 822 34 53
Internet: Interlaken
Opening hours: 7 / 24 Std.
Parking spaces: 100
Tarife: Free of charge.
Entry height:
Handicapped places: Yes
E-filling stations: No
Reservation: No
Payment methods:
Miscellaneous: Parking spaces at the valley station. If the ones directly next to the valley station are already occupied, please drive right along the road Wagneren, 100m into the forest. There are more shady day parking spaces available. Buses park vis a vis the valley station by the tracks (no fee) or 100m towards Grindelwald (with fee) on public parking.

All information without guarantee. Changes please mail to!

Interlaken - famous vacation resort

Interlaken is one of the most popular vacation resorts in Switzerland and is located between the lakes of Thun and Brienz. Thanks to a location in the Jungfrau region, Interlaken is the perfect starting point for activities of all kinds. There are numerous hiking trails and ski slopes in the surrounding mountains with their dense forests, alpine meadows and glaciers.

Parking in Interlaken is allowed in all parking garages and white parking fields. Parking fees and payment options are listed on site. For parking in the blue zone you need parking cards.



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