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Parking Rue du Théâtre, Montreux

Rue du Théâtre 1820 Montreux

Address: Rue du Théâtre
1820 Montreux
Phone: +41 21 962 83 83
Opening hours: 7 / 24 Std.
Parking spaces: 92
Tarife: 40 premières minutes: CHF 2.00
les 30 minutes suivantes: CHF 1.00
Entry height: 1.70 m
Handicapped places: Yes
E-filling stations: No
Reservation: Yes
Payment methods:
Miscellaneous: Nous réservons des places que pour des manifestations qui se déroulent uniquement au Casino!

All information without guarantee. Changes please mail to!

Montreux - beautiful place on Lake Geneva

The view is the most wonderful thing about Montreux. Lake Geneva is distinctly pretty everywhere, but here on the eastern shore it is hard to beat for beauty. On the opposite shore of the crystal clear lake, the Alps rise majestically with their snow-capped peaks.


Park in Montreux on a street parking lot or park in a parking garage if you want to enjoy it longer. The homepage shows you with the route planner the direct way to the parking garage or to the white paid parking area.



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